I never thought a song with synth-strings could be so awesome, and that is why I love Ween.
It is also the first of two songs from ‘The Mollusk’ that cracked this list. Sticking with the live theme, this tune might be my all time favorite show opener. They’re shit is so weird and grizzled when you first hear it, but underneath it’s really sweet and melodic, sometimes (like in the case of “Someday”). On the surface, Ween comes off as a lesson in attrition, a crÃ?¨me brule of madness if you will. Gener sings it likes he’s retarded and if you don’t “get it”, I’m sure it’s fairly excruciating to sit through. In a way, I think it kind of encapsulates what it’s like to see Ween live. Until recently, this song had only existed in the live format (it was included on the outtakes disc “Shinola vol. This choice is meant to symbolize all the so-called live favorites. “It makes me feel drunk again and less hung-over,” he said. My brother, who’s only a casual Ween fan, likes to play this song in the morning after nights of heavy drinking. Anyway, I threw “Zoloft” on this list, not because it’s even my favorite song of the Quebec album, but because it sums up what made Quebec such a great albumâÂ?¦ a nice blend of old and new Ween (“Happy Colored Marbles” was a close second). In fact, it would probably be hard enough to make a Top Ten Songs by Ween from ‘God Ween Satan’ list. I’m not sure why this is? It’s not like they don’t have enough songs. I felt obligated to include something off of Ween’s most recent studio effort. And if you’ve ever wondered what the perfect background music for doing coke and talking about giving a dude a blowjob is it’s “Push Th’ Little Daisies” by Ween. Also, this song gets a shout out in Marilyn Manson’s book. “Push Th’ Little Daisies” is perhaps slightly less poppy, but only because lead singer Gene Ween sounds like a post op transvestite strapped to an electric chair. I always thought that was a shame because it’s an awesome tune, regardless of how many fake hippie fans jumped on the Weenwagon after Phish introduced them to it. “Roses” is often maligned because the hippie, jam outfit Phish started covering it circa 1996. Get it? No seriously, other than the herbaceous quality of these songs’ titles, they share a lot in terms of a sonic, popular relevance that gets lost when most people try to define Ween’s music. (TIE) “Roses are Free” & “Push Th’ Little Daisies”īecause they’re both about flowers. I also realize, however, that if the omnificent Ween Forum ever catches wind of this article, it will most likely be skewered unmercifully. Any ideas?) Anyway, Ween is one of my favorite bands so I decided to take Associated Content up on their “Top Ten Songs” offer and write this thing. (NOTE: I hate the term cult band, but after much deliberation, how the hell else are you supposed to describe a band that has thrived for years without mainstream success? You can call them “underground” but that sounds gayer than “cult”. It’s hard enough writing a “Top Ten Songs” list for normal bands, popular bands like Zeppelin or Pearl Jam or The Band, but it’s damn near fucking impossible to come up with one for a “cult” band like Ween.